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(by Colin)

The secondary classroom wasn’t used much since we have started an alternate teaching schedule. We thought a good way to use it would be to turn it into a place quieter than the lobby, where students could relax while reading books in English, practice for Eiken, or watch international news. We tried to give it a comfy atmosphere and filled it with reading material and iPads for students to use freely. We recommend it in particular for higher level students, as reading a newspaper article or watching the news in English is a good way to switch their minds to “English Mode” before the start of their class. We hope you will enjoy the new Media Room!

(by Colin)

Like most people, I find shoveling the snow a big hassle. I used to have to clear a wide area in front of my house, and in front of the school.

However, after his retirement a few years ago, the building owner has started shoveling the snow beautifully in front of Okey Dokey every day! I feel so lucky as it really makes my life so much easier! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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